ViMaCs: Virtual Master Cooperation Data Science

Project-ID: 57513461 (Phase 1), 57602060 (Phase 2)


The project creates the necessary conditions for the Ukrainian partners for digital and virtual teaching and learning infrastructure in the area of data science, which is very important for digital transformation. In relation to the funding objectives of the call for proposals, ViMaCs contributes to establishing the model of the virtual cross-border Master School as a cooperation and internationalization instrument in Ukraine. 
The core of the project is the development and implementation of a digital teaching and learning offer in the field of the versatile and highly up-to-date “Data Science” by developing an innovative and inherently digitized structure of a Master School.

Project Information

Project period:
01.10.2019 – 30.09.2021 (Phase 1), 01.11.2021 – 31.12.2024 (Phase 2)

Project type:
DAAD funding programme: Supporting the internationalization of Ukrainian universities: Shaping the Digital Future Together 2021-2023

Grant holder:
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FH Dortmund)

Project coordinator:
Stephan Recker

Stephan Recker
Anna Badasian

Project scope:

  • Establish a new model of a “Digital Education Ecosystem (DEE)” for Ukraine.

Project goals:

  • Development of the consortium activities of the ViMaCs;
  • Development of four cross-border Master-Level-Modules for training in the framework of Data Science;
  • Joint organisation of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter Schools as cross-border courses;
  • Development and implementation of a digital infrastructure for joint teaching, learning, and virtual mobility of students and staff;
  • Exchange of students, lecturers, and staff between the partners.

Development of the Data Science Learning Modules:

Implementation of the IT cluster with the focus on:

  • Collection and processing of business data and data-based decision-making;
  • Collection of technical data and the processing of large amounts of data;
  • On artificial intelligence and neural networks, e.g. for biomedical data.

Pilot Teaching in form of: 

  • Winter School;
  • Spring School;
  • Summer School;
  • Autumn School.

Development of the training programme: 

  • eLearning module “ViMaCs Train-the-Trainer” for Didactics and
  • eLearning module “ViMaCs IT Infrastructure” for university staff.

Development of the advisory services: 

  • Student Journey Configurator;
  • Mobility Planner.

All partner organisations have the possibility to access the project supporting tools and cloud repository.

To enter Nextcloud (follow)
NextCloud – content online collaboration platform.

To enter Confluence (follow)
Confluence – collaboration wiki tool.

Project Outcomes

Within the DAAD ViMaCs project were organised and successfully held 8 international Pilot teaching events in the form of Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring school in fully on-site, online or hybrid modes.

Each event was a combination of the topics from the 4 (and in phase 2 of the project 5) modules:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
  • Business Intelligence and Decision Making
  • Cloud-Based Data Processing Systems
  • Data Acquisition and Processing
  • Machine Learning Ops


Winter School 2019 (NU-ZP): in Zaporizhzhia

In the event participated 7 lectures, 4 guest lecturers and 20 students. More information can be found in the Programmes and news mentioned below.

Programme: Programme_First Winter School in Data Science in ZNTU
News can be found here.


Summer School 2020 (FH DO): Online

11 teachers and professors from all 4 universities (FH Dortmund, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture [KNUCA], Ternopil National Economic University [TNEU] and National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” [NU-ZP]) have lectured for the 21 registered participants of not only the ViMaCs partners but also the partners of the EuroPIM consortium. ​

Programme: Summer School 2020_Programme_final
News can be found here.


Winter School 2020 (FH DO): Online

11 teachers and professors from all 4 universities have lectured for the 24 registered students and 6 academic staff (attendant as listeners). This time the number of registrations was high: there were 51 registered bachelor, master and PhD students (in total) and 20 academic staff (besides the lecturers) from ViMaCs consortium as well as other Ukrainian universities. Due to the limitation of the places (30 people), all 71 participants weren’t able to participate. The priority was given to the participants from partner universities of ViMaCs project. 

Programme: Winter School 2020_Programme_final
News can be found here.


Spring School 2021: online

There were 36 registered students, among them 3 Post-Doc, 20 Master Students, and 13 Bachelor Students. The participants were from 5 universities: 1 from Germany and 4 from Ukraine. 26 participants finished the School successfully.

Compared with the previous Schools, the Spring School was more successful than other online Schools. It can be compared with the first offline Winter School, organized in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. The approach with a real business case study was perceived very well.

Programme: Programme Spring School 2021
News can be found here.


Winter School 2021: in Dortmund

There were 13 registered students, among them 3 PhD-students, 5 Master Students, and 5 Bachelor Students. The participants were from 4 universities: 2 from Belgium and 11 from Ukraine. All participants finished the School successfully.
Following the success of the previous event, the real case study from the company from Ukraine was presented to students to solve the problem in groups of mixed backgrounds. 

Programme: Programme of Winter School on Advance perspectives on Data Science (1)
News can be found here.


Summer School 2022: in Dortmund

15 students and about 10 teachers from Ukraine participated int eh ViMaCs Summer School organised on-site in Dortmund. This was the first event where Ukrainian participants took part in the organised on-site event after the start of the war in Ukraine in February 2022.

Programme: SuS22_Advanced Perspectives on Data Science
News can be found here.


Winter School 2022: in Dortmund

22 students and 8 teachers took part in the ViMaCs Winter School on Advanced Perspectives on Data Science.

This year the students dived deeper into such topics as: 

  • Advanced Perspectives on Data Science 
  • Human-centred Digitalization 
  • Radar Systems 
  • Software for Robots
  • Innovation-Driven Software Engineering
  • Model-Based System Engineering

Programme: WiS22_Advanced Perspectives on Data Science
News can be found here.
ViMaCs Winter School 2023 was a part of the Dortmund International Winter School 20232


Autumn School 2023: in Dortmund

Around 30 students and 10 staff members took part in the last Pilot teaching event of the DAAD ViMaCs project. 

The program of the International Autumn School 2023 comprised of the mixture of such topics:

  • Process-driven Approach for Big Data Acquisition and Processing
  • Big Data Tools
  • Python for Data Analytics
  • Working with Open Data
  • Model Evaluations: Main Metrics
  • Communication with Clients

Additionally, students worked in several groups to solve the provided case study and presented all their results on the last day of the pilot teaching.

Programme: AutumnSchool23_Advanced Perspectives on Data Science
News can be found here.

Several Train-the-Trainer (TtT) events were organised, where the ViMaCs consortium was a big part of the participants.


Train-the-Trainer week during Winter School 2021: in Dortmund

48 participants of the training week were engaged in various lectures, workshops, trainings, and group activities.

The projects, involved in the training, included DAAD projects: Ostpartnerschaften, ViMaCs and ManDEE, and Erasmus projects: Work4ce and ProDiT. 

Programme: Training Week 2021_FInal Programme
News can be found here.


Train-the-Trainer during Summer School 2022: in Dortmund

The course was designed for lecturers and trainers and welcomed 42 participants from partner universities in Azerbaijan, Belgium, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Spain, Ukraine, and the Palestinian Territories.

Programme: Train-the-Trainer 2022_Programme
News can be found here.


Train-the-Trainer: EMI during Winter School 2022: in Dortmund

In the TtT: EMI were organised two events in parallel aiming different levels of English knowledge.
The ViMaCs representatives were taking part in both, EMI C1 and EMI B2 trainings. 
In total participated 24 participants and 16 of them were teachers and lecturers from the ViMaCs consortium. 

TtT_EMI_B2 Programme
TtT_EMI_C1 Programme
News can be found here.


Instructional Design and Technology

Academic Staff of ViMaCs consortium was given a chance to take courses in Instructional Design and Technology. Several of the consortium members have not only completed the programme but used the experience and knowledge to create an own TtT course that they later organised for the local teachers and staff members.

The edx programme covered such courses as:

  • Instructional Design and Technology: Learning Theories
  • Instructional Design Models
  • Instructional Design: Digital Media, New Tools and Technology
  • Instructional Design Course Evaluation & Capstone Project

Announcement: Call for Participation- Instructional Design and Technology
Information about the programme can be found on the official edx page here.


Train-the-Trainer from Ukrainian partners

In the last year of the project the series of the Train-the-Trainer events was done by the Ukrainian members of the ViMaCs consortium, where they organised trainings for their staff members to disseminate the knowledge and experience gained during the whole ViMaCs project (Phase 1 and 2).

  • Instructional Design (ID) and English as a Medium of Instructions (EMI) – by NU-ZP. 
    News can be found here
  • Business Intelligence – by KNUCA
  • Modern Visualization Tools in Higher Education – by KNUCA
  • English as a Medium of Instruction for Teaching in Higher Education – by KNUCA
  • Business Analysis: Communication with clients – by KNUCA
  • English as a Medium of Instructions – by WUNU


  • All 4 Ukrainian universities bought the necessary equipment including the servers, to be able to make the Campus connect and make the Virtual Cross-border Master School
  • Several updates were done to improve the capacity and effectives of the servers
  • Due to war that started in February 2022, some equipment were destroyed, thus the additional purchasing was done to restore the equipment 


Equipment lists: Equipment list 2020-2024

Cloud Based Data Processing Systems (FH Do)



Module “Cloud Based Data Processing Systems” is integrated in education program(curricula ) of bachelors students as the main component “Big Data” of the speciality 151 Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies/174 Automation, Computer-Integrated Technologies and Robotics  (Automation, Mechatronics and Robotics) from  2021/2022 academic years.

The module ‘Cloud Data Processing Systems’ was taught in the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 academic years as the main component ‘Big Data’ for bachelors students in the 8th semester and offered as an elective course ‘Cloud Technologies and Big Data’ for masters students in the 3rd semester in the 2024/2025 academic years.

 ~50 students joined course BigData


Machine Learning Ops (LPNU)



Course MLOps is integrated in education program (see screen below). 

Module “MLOps” is integrated in the education program(curricula ) of master students as the main component “Information management” (6 ECTS) of the specialty 122 Computer  science, specialization Artificial intelligence in 2nd semester from  2021/2022 academic years.

 ~60 students joined the course


Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (NU-ZP)

Specifications: Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics


Course is integrated to educational Master programs in Software Engineering and Computer Science specialties as “Foundations of Computational Intelligence” (see screen below).

Number of students in 2024 involved in this course is 67.


Business Intelligence and Decision Making (KNUCA)

Specifications: Business Intelligence and Decision Making


The module is integrated into two different curricula for two specialties (Master level): speciality 073 “Management” and speciality 122 “Computer Science”, both of which are called “Project Management.” The module is integrated as an elective course. However, the module is so big for the university’s requirement of elective courses. For this purpose, the module is divided into three modules, one of them for the speciality 122, and two others for the speciality 073: “Business Intelligence and Decision Making” (6 ECTS) (with some changes during the implementation for the speciality 122), “Business Analysis” (3 ECTS), and “Business Analysis and Decision Making” (6 ECTS) (for the speciality 073). KNUCA has been starting the implementation process since the 2020–2021 academic year.

The implementation result for today is in the table below.

SpecialityCourseForm of studyAcademic year
122Business Intelligence and Decision Making (6 ECTS)Full time41070
Part time0010
073Business Analysis (3 ECTS)Full time00020
Part time0009
073Business Analysis and Decising Making (6 ECTS)Full time0760
Part time00100
Total amount58

Pilot teaching of 5 developed modules​

Within the DAAD ViMaCs project were organised and successfully held 8 international Pilot teaching events in the form of Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring school in fully on-site, online or hybrid modes.

Each event was a combination of the topics from the 4 (and in phase 2 of the project 5) modules:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
  • Business Intelligence and Decision Making
  • Cloud-Based Data Processing Systems
  • Data Acquisition and Processing
  • Machine Learning Ops

In the event participated 7 lectures, 4 guest lecturers and 20 students. More information can be found in the Programmes and news mentioned below.

Programme: Programme_First Winter School in Data Science in ZNTU
News can be found here.

11 teachers and professors from all 4 universities (FH Dortmund, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture [KNUCA], Ternopil National Economic University [TNEU] and National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” [NU-ZP]) have lectured for the 21 registered participants of not only the ViMaCs partners but also the partners of the EuroPIM consortium. ​

Programme: Summer School 2020_Programme_final
News can be found here.

11 teachers and professors from all 4 universities have lectured for the 24 registered students and 6 academic staff (attendant as listeners). This time the number of registrations was high: there were 51 registered bachelor, master and PhD students (in total) and 20 academic staff (besides the lecturers) from ViMaCs consortium as well as other Ukrainian universities. Due to the limitation of the places (30 people), all 71 participants weren’t able to participate. The priority was given to the participants from partner universities of ViMaCs project.

Programme: Winter School 2020_Programme_final
News can be found here.

There were 36 registered students, among them 3 Post-Doc, 20 Master Students, and 13 Bachelor Students. The participants were from 5 universities: 1 from Germany and 4 from Ukraine. 26 participants finished the School successfully.

Compared with the previous Schools, the Spring School was more successful than other online Schools. It can be compared with the first offline Winter School, organized in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. The approach with a real business case study was perceived very well.

Programme: Programme Spring School 2021
News can be found here.

There were 13 registered students, among them 3 PhD-students, 5 Master Students, and 5 Bachelor Students. The participants were from 4 universities: 2 from Belgium and 11 from Ukraine. All participants finished the School successfully.
Following the success of the previous event, the real case study from the company from Ukraine was presented to students to solve the problem in groups of mixed backgrounds.

Programme: Programme of Winter School on Advance perspectives on Data Science (1)
News can be found here.

15 students and about 10 teachers from Ukraine participated int eh ViMaCs Summer School organised on-site in Dortmund. This was the first event where Ukrainian participants took part in the organised on-site event after the start of the war in Ukraine in February 2022.

Programme: SuS22_Advanced Perspectives on Data Science
News can be found here.

22 students and 8 teachers took part in the ViMaCs Winter School on Advanced Perspectives on Data Science.

This year the students dived deeper into such topics as: 

  • Advanced Perspectives on Data Science 
  • Human-centred Digitalization 
  • Radar Systems 
  • Software for Robots
  • Innovation-Driven Software Engineering
  • Model-Based System Engineering

Programme: WiS22_Advanced Perspectives on Data Science
News can be found here.
ViMaCs Winter School 2023 was a part of the Dortmund International Winter School 20232

Around 30 students and 10 staff members took part in the last Pilot teaching event of the DAAD ViMaCs project. 

The program of the International Autumn School 2023 comprised of the mixture of such topics:

  • Process-driven Approach for Big Data Acquisition and Processing
  • Big Data Tools
  • Python for Data Analytics
  • Working with Open Data
  • Model Evaluations: Main Metrics
  • Communication with Clients

Additionally, students worked in several groups to solve the provided case study and presented all their results on the last day of the pilot teaching.

Programme: AutumnSchool23_Advanced Perspectives on Data Science
News can be found here.


Several Train-the-Trainer (TtT) events were organised, where the ViMaCs consortium was a big part of the participants.

48 participants of the training week were engaged in various lectures, workshops, trainings, and group activities.

The projects, involved in the training, included DAAD projects: Ostpartnerschaften, ViMaCs and ManDEE, and Erasmus projects: Work4ce and ProDiT. 

Programme: Training Week 2021_FInal Programme
News can be found here.

The course was designed for lecturers and trainers and welcomed 42 participants from partner universities in Azerbaijan, Belgium, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Spain, Ukraine, and the Palestinian Territories.

Programme: Train-the-Trainer 2022_Programme
News can be found here.

In the TtT: EMI were organised two events in parallel aiming different levels of English knowledge.
The ViMaCs representatives were taking part in both, EMI C1 and EMI B2 trainings. 
In total participated 24 participants and 16 of them were teachers and lecturers from the ViMaCs consortium.

TtT_EMI_B2 Programme
TtT_EMI_C1 Programme
News can be found here.

Academic Staff of ViMaCs consortium was given a chance to take courses in Instructional Design and Technology. Several of the consortium members have not only completed the programme but used the experience and knowledge to create an own TtT course that they later organised for the local teachers and staff members.

The edx programme covered such courses as:

  • Instructional Design and Technology: Learning Theories
  • Instructional Design Models
  • Instructional Design: Digital Media, New Tools and Technology
  • Instructional Design Course Evaluation & Capstone Project

Announcement: Call for Participation- Instructional Design and Technology
Information about the programme can be found on the official edx page here.

In the last year of the project the series of the Train-the-Trainer events was done by the Ukrainian members of the ViMaCs consortium, where they organised trainings for their staff members to disseminate the knowledge and experience gained during the whole ViMaCs project (Phase 1 and 2).

  • Instructional Design (ID) and English as a Medium of Instructions (EMI) – by NU-ZP. 
    News can be found here
  • Business Intelligence – by KNUCA
  • Modern Visualization Tools in Higher Education – by KNUCA
  • English as a Medium of Instruction for Teaching in Higher Education – by KNUCA
  • Business Analysis: Communication with clients – by KNUCA
  • English as a Medium of Instructions – by WUNU

Equipment & DEE


  • All 4 Ukrainian universities bought the necessary equipment including the servers, to be able to make the Campus connect and make the Virtual Cross-border Master School
  • Several updates were done to improve the capacity and effectives of the servers
  • Due to war that started in February 2022, some equipment were destroyed, thus the additional purchasing was done to restore the equipment 


Equipment lists: Equipment list 2020-2024


DAAD ViMaCs New Equipment for KNUCA

On September 3, 2024, a new DLP-projector was purchased and delivered to KNUCA in the frame of the DAAD ViMaCs...

Funded by