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Online International Winter School 2020

In the online International Winter School 2020 (organised on 7.12.2020 – 11.12.2020) based on the “Virtual Master Cooperation on Data Science (ViMaCs)” project funded by DAAD, international Master students from FH Dortmund meet online with teachers and students from our partner universities: National University Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic, West Ukrainian National University, and Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture.

The Winter School, based on the ViMaCs project, is covering such topics as:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
  • Business Intelligence and Decision Making
  • Cloud Based Data Processing Systems
  • Data Acquisition and Processing.

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions it was decided to held this pilot teaching in form of the Winter School as an online event on the premises of the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FH Dortmund). The teaching of the 4 modules was combined and presented during 5 full days of the block week by 11 teachers and professors from all 4 universities for the ca 30 international students

The higher goal of the event was to test the developed so far materials by each partner university for their modules, get the feedback from participants and make afterwards the corrections of the taught materials in order to further develop the modules.

Even in the times of the lock-down and without possibility to travel, the event contributed to the internationalization strategy of the FH Dortmund and the Ukrainian Partners and strengthen the ViMaCs consortium. 

Project programme: Shaping the digital future together: German-Ukrainian University Cooperations 2021-2023

Project Name: Virtual Master Cooperation Data Science (ViMaCs)

Project-ID: 57513461 (Phase 1), 57602060 (Phase 2)