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International Winter School 2021

On the 15th – 19th of December 2021, after a series of the online international event due to the restrictions of COVID-19, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FH Dortmund) could finally again welcome international students and teachers on its campus for the Dortmund International Winter School 2021!

As per tradition, one of the streams of the Winter School was dedicated to the topic of Data Science – the Pilot teaching that is organised within the DAAD “Virtual Master Cooperation Data Science” (ViMaCs) – Phase 2. The Winter School addressed Master Students from Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FH Dortmund), National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” (NU-ZP), West Ukrainian National University (WUNU), Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA) and Lviv Polytechnic National University (LPNU). Teachers from Ukraine and Germany held lectures and workshops to 15 international students on such topics:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
  • Business Intelligence and Decision Making
  • Cloud Based Data Processing Systems
  • Data Acquisition and Processing
  • Machine learning operations

The DAAD ViMaCs project is aimed to create the necessary conditions for the Ukrainian partners for digital and virtual teaching and learning infrastructure in the area of data science, which is very important for digital transformation. The project contributes to establishing the model of the virtual cross-border Master School as a cooperation and internationalization instrument in Ukraine. The core of the project is the development and implementation of a digital teaching and learning offer in the field of the versatile and highly up-to-date “Data Science” by developing an innovative and inherently digitized structure of a Master School.

Project programme: Shaping the digital future together: German-Ukrainian University Cooperations 2021-2023

Project Name: Virtual Master Cooperation Data Science (ViMaCs)

Project-ID: 57513461 (Phase 1), 57602060 (Phase 2)