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Dortmund International Summer School 2020

On the 29th of June till 3rd of July 2020 the online Dortmund International Summer School 2020 was organised for the first time. The online format was introduced to give people in the time of COVID-19 lock-down and restrictions to travel the opportunity to participate in the scientific activities that are held annually. The Dortmund International Summer School 2020 was preceded with the online Dortmund International Research Conference 2020, where the participants of the wide EuroPIM consortium (partners form EU, Kazakhstan, Palestine, Ukraine and others) actively participated.

Within the Dortmund International Summer School the Pilot teaching of the DAAD ViMaCs project was organised, with topic  “Selected Perspectives on Data Science“. The teaching of the 4 modules (Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics, Business Intelligence and Decision Making, Cloud Based Data Processing Systems and Data Acquisition and Processing) were combined and presented during 5 full days.  

11 teachers and professors from all four universities (Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FH Dortmund), Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA), Ternopil National Economic University (TNEU) and National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” (NU-ZP)) have lectured for the 21 registered participants of not only the ViMaCs partners but also the partners of the EuroPIM consortium.

The higher goal of the event was to test the developed so far materials by each partner university for their modules, get the feedback from participants and make afterwards the corrections of the taught materials in order to further develop the modules. Even in the times of the lock-down and without possibility to travel, the event contributed to the internationalization strategy of the FH Dortmund and the Ukrainian Partners. It also heled to strengthen the consortium of ViMaCs and is aimed to develop more collaboration with the partners of EuroPIM consortium.

Project programme: Shaping the digital future together: German-Ukrainian University Cooperations 2019-2021

Project Name: Virtual Master Cooperation Data Science (ViMaCs)

Project-ID: 57513461